A collection of random thoughts on varied topics…
New Learnings from Old Classics
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As every bookworm knows, the pleasure of a good book is something that transcends the ordinary pleasures of life. And when the book is made into a movie that faithfully captures everything that was good about it, it gives the reader an opportunity to enjoy it all over again. One such book that I had…

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Transactional Analysis – The Means to Understand Ourselves and our Relationships
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The quest to understand human nature and relationships is a fascinating journey. From the times of Freud, the study of the human mind has yielded a variety of theories on how we think, process information and react to our environment. While Freud introduced the concept of the Id, Ego and Superego, this was further refined…

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Farmer Unrest – The Hidden Implications
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Since the last few months, our country has been caught up in an unfortunate stalemate between farmers and the government. While the hardships being faced by the protesting farmers on the outskirts of the national capital have helped them acquire the halo of David’s fighting the Government Goliath, the government’s intransigence in refusing to roll…

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Rising Inequality – Sign of the times to come
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If anything, the economic fallout of Covid 19 pandemic can be seen as a precursor of the times to come. It has shown how those equipped with the right resources and privileges will thrive, whereas those without will suffer the consequences, sometimes for generations. Since the beginning of time, change has been a way of…

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Values and Value Systems
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A society can be defined by the values that it considers important, and in a heterogeneous society like ours, where multiple value systems exist, peaceful coexistence and growth can only come if we are able to identify and nurture common values. The development of values and value systems is closely intertwined with religion, and very…

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The Trumpification of USA
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Everything that we do, and sometimes, even some things we don’t do, have the potential to change our future. Let’s consider the current state of affairs in what is considered one of the best countries to live in – the USA. The country today is deeply polarized in a way it never has been since…

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