Art and Culture

The Antikythera Mechanism – Forgetting Knowledge

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As someone fascinated by technology, reading about the oldest computer in the world was a revelation. It was more than 120 years ago, in 1900, that a shipwreck was discovered off the coast of the Greek island Antikythera by sponge divers. It was identified as a Roman cargo ship and over the next year, a…

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Role of Culture in Independence from Colonizers

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As India celebrates its 75th Independence Day, close by, in Afghanistan, the Taliban are poised to retake control of the country. And in all probability, they will portray it as getting independence from American occupation. While the Americans came into the country in 2001 with the mission of destroying the Taliban and establishing their version…

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Melodious Memories from a Forest in a Pitch Black Night

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It was a visit to the Tribal Museum that rekindled memories of that night. In order to preserve and promote the skills as well as tradition of their unique wall paintings, the Museum had gotten a few Saura men to Bhubaneswar and employed them to create paintings in their style that could be sold or…

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New Learnings from Old Classics

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As every bookworm knows, the pleasure of a good book is something that transcends the ordinary pleasures of life. And when the book is made into a movie that faithfully captures everything that was good about it, it gives the reader an opportunity to enjoy it all over again. One such book that I had…

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Life After MBA – A look at non traditional career choices

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For those interested in pursuing a career in management, as well as those already studying at B Schools, this is generally an extremely stressful period. For prospective students, it’s the various entrance exams followed by rounds of personal interviews, essays and group discussions till the coveted admission letter is received. For students, this is the…

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