
Rising Inequality – Sign of the times to come

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If anything, the economic fallout of Covid 19 pandemic can be seen as a precursor of the times to come. It has shown how those equipped with the right resources and privileges will thrive, whereas those without will suffer the consequences, sometimes for generations. Since the beginning of time, change has been a way of…

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Values and Value Systems

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A society can be defined by the values that it considers important, and in a heterogeneous society like ours, where multiple value systems exist, peaceful coexistence and growth can only come if we are able to identify and nurture common values. The development of values and value systems is closely intertwined with religion, and very…

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The Trumpification of USA

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Everything that we do, and sometimes, even some things we don’t do, have the potential to change our future. Let’s consider the current state of affairs in what is considered one of the best countries to live in – the USA. The country today is deeply polarized in a way it never has been since…

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The WhatsApp Debate

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The new terms of use of WhatsApp have once again triggered a furious debate on our privacy and how much information about ourselves Internet based applications should have access to. WhatsApp groups are buzzing with discussions on whether to continue there or switch to Telegram or Signal or even esoteric alternatives like Discord. Some users…

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Weak-Tie Links through Social Media – the New Support System

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Almost fifty years ago, in 1973, a sociology professor at Stanford University, published a paper titled ‘The Strength of Weak Ties’ that changed the way we think about relationships. In this paper, the author Mark Granovetter said that contrary to popular assumption that an individual’s well-being depended mainly on the quality of relationships with close…

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Startup mode Governance?

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For those familiar with the startup ecosystem, The Lean Startup by Eric Ries is often considered the go to handbook when embarking on a new venture or project. In the book, Ries has put together some seemingly common sense rules that should be followed by organizations to improve their chances of achieving success. The Lean…

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Choosing a B School – Importance of a strong alumni network

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Management has emerged as a safe career option for young people today. One of the first decisions that they need to take is the choice of which B School to join. Rankings, published by various publications as well as government agencies like NIRF, are an obvious method for selecting which Institute to opt for. Unfortunately,…

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Startups vs Small Business – Why understanding the difference is crucial

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Startups have become the buzzword over the past few years in India as policy makers realized that there was no way the economy, as it exists now, can generate enough jobs. It is estimated that while around 12 lakh young people were entering the job market every year, pre-Covid, our formal economy was generating only…

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Life After MBA – A look at non traditional career choices

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For those interested in pursuing a career in management, as well as those already studying at B Schools, this is generally an extremely stressful period. For prospective students, it’s the various entrance exams followed by rounds of personal interviews, essays and group discussions till the coveted admission letter is received. For students, this is the…

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Ivory tower economists and the reality of Indian small businesses

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Every year, we are privileged to first speculate, then listen to and finally analyse the annual budget. Before the budget, we also get the Economic Survey, that is supposedly the base upon which the budget is prepared. For a very long time, the populace used to wait for the budget with bated breath, hoping for…

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