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The Gaia Theory – Understanding Climate Change

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One of the reasons why Hinduism faces ridicule from montheistic religions is the plethora of gods and goddesses in its pantheon – upwards of 30 million as per some texts. While there are many explanations and reasons for this proliferation of deities, my personal belief is that this was the easiest way to make the…

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3 R’s to 4C’s – Rethinking Education

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Susant can be described as literate but uneducated – for though he has a degree, in Engineering no less, his education hasn’t made him employable in any of the sectors that he would like to work in. Instead, he today earns a living by delivering food – an occupation without job security or prospects of…

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The Antikythera Mechanism – Forgetting Knowledge

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As someone fascinated by technology, reading about the oldest computer in the world was a revelation. It was more than 120 years ago, in 1900, that a shipwreck was discovered off the coast of the Greek island Antikythera by sponge divers. It was identified as a Roman cargo ship and over the next year, a…

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Role of Culture in Independence from Colonizers

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As India celebrates its 75th Independence Day, close by, in Afghanistan, the Taliban are poised to retake control of the country. And in all probability, they will portray it as getting independence from American occupation. While the Americans came into the country in 2001 with the mission of destroying the Taliban and establishing their version…

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BIRGing – The Lure of Reflected Glory

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Long before Marvel came up with the idea of putting interesting snippets of the next movie in between the post movie credits, there were many who would watch the scrolling list of those involved in making the movies (especially English), to spot Indian names. And in recent years, with a lot of post production as…

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NEP 2020 and beyond – Reimagining the Education System

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I think it was around 20 years back that a distant relative of ours from Andhra Pradesh paid us a visit in the hope of securing a job here at Bhubaneswar. He had secured a decent 70% in his B.Com and was hoping that would help him in getting a suitable opportunity. Unfortunately, it was…

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Importance of Brands in Education

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Bombay became Mumbai in 1995, Madras became Chennai in 1996, Calcutta became Kolkata in 2001 and Bangalore became Bengaluru in 2014; but IIT Bombay, IIT Madras, IIM Calcutta and IIM Bangalore have still not changed their names. In each of the institutions mentioned above, the place name was initially an identifier, but now, it has…

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Coercion as Policy

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One of the first things that B School students in India learn is about the importance of the CAS – Career Advisory Services, or the Placement Committee as it is otherwise known. This is the student committee that takes up the responsibility of getting summer internships for the first year students and the final placements…

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Understanding the New Economy

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One of the items that has been hogging business headlines the past few days has been the Zomato IPO. And it should, in terms of what it implies, not just for those who invest in the stock markets but for all of us. The estimated market capitalization of Zomato is Rs.60,000 crores while it could…

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Government in Business? A Contrarian View

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One of the most frequently asked questions that startup founders face from investors is – “What would you do if Google decided to do what you are planning to do?”. This is a trick question, for the purpose of the question is actually to see how the founder/s react when faced with insurmountable odds. Nowadays…

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