
The Power and Perils of Faith

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Even as the second wave of Covid-19 ebbs in India, our spirits are being battered almost every day with news of deaths – there seems to be no saying as to who emerges victorious and who loses the battle with the virus – young, old, fit, unfit, rich, poor, powerful or a common citizen, there…

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The Value of Wisdom

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It was on Mother’s Day that Prasad lost his mother to Covid. And this was but one of the tsunami of tragedies that hit our nation as the pandemic reared its head again after a lull. All talk of waves, peaks, plateaus and variants become meaningless when a loved one becomes a statistic, and most…

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Criticism – Accept, Stifle or Ignore?

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As a child, I remember feeling puzzled when reading about people being referred to as critics. I wondered why anyone would want to criticize something, and more importantly, why others not only allowed the critic to make unpleasant remarks, but actually paid him for doing so. As I grew older, I understood that the critics…

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Social Distancing – Why it is so difficult

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The current pandemic has brought to the fore one of our greatest shortcomings – the inability to maintain social distancing. On the face of it, it is one of the easiest things to do – but it has become the hardest rule to follow. We can use masks, clean our hands with sanitizers, consume all…

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What’s in a name? Quite a lot actually!

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When Shakespeare wrote the lines “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet” for Juliet’s soliloquy in Romeo and Juliet, he struck a chord – after all, a name is given for identification and does not necessarily give or describe attributes. However, in today’s day…

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The Virtual Mob: Promoting Polarization

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One of the saddest things that I see nowadays is good friends falling out due to their differing views. The interesting thing is that both of them want the same thing, but are prepared to destroy the very thing they want due to their belief that their way is the only/right way to achieve it.…

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Understanding Inequality – Why Increased High Value Consumption May Not Signify Inclusive Growth

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One of the interesting developments during the last year was the behaviour of the stock market. Conventional wisdom dictated that with complete global shutdowns affecting production as well as consumption, leading to a collapse in the national GDP, the effect on businesses and consequently on their share prices would be disastrous. However, after an initial…

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The Changing Role of Women – A Male Perspective

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This Women’s Day, I was privileged to be a part of a panel in an event organised by ThinkZone – a startup focussing on bringing quality education to pre-primary and primary school children in rural areas. I must admit it was a bit disconcerting to find that I was the only male participant in the…

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What makes a city smart?

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The other day I received a WhatsApp forward of a 1964 video of Arthur C Clarke talking about the city of the future. (You can see the video here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC3E2qTCIY8 ) Seeing this, one can but wonder about his vision and how accurate his foresight was! Though we still have some way to go…

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Changing Perceptions – How Yesterday’s Sins are Becoming Today’s Virtues

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The origin of most religions can be traced to the need for order and discipline in society through definition of what constitutes acceptable behaviour and what does not. Consequently, those actions that were deemed harmful were called sins, that would be punishable, either in this life, in the afterlife or in the next life, depending…

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