
Random Thoughts

Seven Learnings from a bout with Covid

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It was on the intervening night of the 6th and 7th of May 2021 that our pup Bruno decided he would sleep with us on our bed. It was as he and I struggled to find equitable space on the bed that my fever and body aches began. As I awoke in the morning, the…

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As the emperor looked down from the hillock, his senses were assailed by the devastation all around. The enemy was fierce, but his own forces had been fiercer. They had taken the Kalingan army head on, and as he had foreseen, the victor was the one with the larger army. He had conquered… there was…

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The Power and Perils of Faith

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Even as the second wave of Covid-19 ebbs in India, our spirits are being battered almost every day with news of deaths – there seems to be no saying as to who emerges victorious and who loses the battle with the virus – young, old, fit, unfit, rich, poor, powerful or a common citizen, there…

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The Gaia Theory – Understanding Climate Change

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One of the reasons why Hinduism faces ridicule from montheistic religions is the plethora of gods and goddesses in its pantheon – upwards of 30 million as per some texts. While there are many explanations and reasons for this proliferation of deities, my personal belief is that this was the easiest way to make the…

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Musings of a Pet Parent

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Sometime in early January this year, my better half Subha announced that a niece of ours had a friend who was looking for a good home for a Labrador puppy, and that ours would be that home. With all the firmness I could muster up, I put my foot down and said that we would…

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Government in Business? A Contrarian View

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One of the most frequently asked questions that startup founders face from investors is – “What would you do if Google decided to do what you are planning to do?”. This is a trick question, for the purpose of the question is actually to see how the founder/s react when faced with insurmountable odds. Nowadays…

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3 R’s to 4C’s – Rethinking Education

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Susant can be described as literate but uneducated – for though he has a degree, in Engineering no less, his education hasn’t made him employable in any of the sectors that he would like to work in. Instead, he today earns a living by delivering food – an occupation without job security or prospects of…

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Social Distancing – Why it is so difficult

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The current pandemic has brought to the fore one of our greatest shortcomings – the inability to maintain social distancing. On the face of it, it is one of the easiest things to do – but it has become the hardest rule to follow. We can use masks, clean our hands with sanitizers, consume all…

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The Trumpification of USA

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Everything that we do, and sometimes, even some things we don’t do, have the potential to change our future. Let’s consider the current state of affairs in what is considered one of the best countries to live in – the USA. The country today is deeply polarized in a way it never has been since…

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BMC – Balancing Progress with Business Friendliness

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In the endeavor to make Bhubaneswar a truly Smart City, BMC needs to keep the needs of small businesses in mind The visit by BMC Commissioner Sri Prem Kumar Choudhury with his officials to the Unit-I and Unit-II markets and the decision to improve the conditions there, is a step in the right direction. At…

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